Friday, 21 June 2013

Finally Complete Necron Destroyer

Working on new things so it took a while to complete but learnt a few things.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Necron Destroyer WIP

Just an update on the destroyer, taking some time as I'm back at work.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Testing New Primer

Got some new Vallejo game colour black and its great through the airbrush.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Dark Angels Assembled

Had a few games of 40k today so only got the dark angels done. Great models though.

Gifts From Chaos!

Got some mail today, finally gonna get to put these great models together. Then to figure out a colour scheme for the DA.

Silvery Goodness

Still just working on my Iron Warriors, here is one of my CSM squads coming together, just a few touch ups to go and then ... another 20 marines.

Working on some OSL on the plasmas.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Hey anybody who actually finds this blog, this is just a way for me to keep motivated while working on various Warhammer and other miniature games models.

Not too much to start off with other than what I am currently working on which is my "40k Iron Warrior" Army.

 My Chaos Lord in Terminator armour that I recently got, pretty happy with how he turned out.
 Didn't like the "Kharn" model from GW, so converted this fella up, pretty good stand in I reckon.
The Warp Talon Aspiring Champion that I got not too long ago, the whole unit is put together and getting painted.  I magnetized all their arms so they can double as raptors if need be.

These are some Necrons that I done for some commission work not too long ago. Going to be getting some more pretty soon to work on.  I plan to get a good camera soon too so the pictures should improve.